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Yael Keidish

How to cite:

Keidish, J. (2021). Ethical challenges of online psychoanalytic work in unprecedented times and beyond. Psychoanalysis and the Virtual: Ethics, Metapsychology and Clinical Experience:
Materials of the II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference with international participation, June 12-13, 2021, Kyiv. P. 71-88. DOI: 

How to cite:

Kadish, Y. (2021). The ethical challenges of working online in unprecedented times and beyond [in Ukrainian]. Psychoanalysis and the Virtual: ethics, metapsychology and clinical experience of the remote practice: Conference proceedings, June, 12-13, 2021, Kyiv [electronic book]. - Kyiv, Kryvyi Rih: Publisher Roman Kozlov, 2021. - pp. 71-88.  DOI: 


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